Structural Steelwork
AUT Millennium Steelwork | Global Engineering
To create an massive decorative pipe façade with clear polythene inflated cladding for the outside of the new AUT Millennium Aquatic Centre.
This was one of the most challenging fabrication jobs we have undertaken. The structure was fabricated full size (at 30m x 14m x 5m high) and took up an entire fabrication bay at our HQ. It was then broken down into 8 very awkward truck loads for coating and transport to site.
Every intersection of pipes had 20mm strengthening plates inserted in both directions and were full strength butt-welded and tested.
Facts & figures:
There are over 300 strategically positioned fittings on the structure to carry the cladding system.
It needed over 350 metres of Ø150mm scheduled pipe and 50 full-strength plated connections.
It has over 50 internally bolted splice connections with access holes that were capped and sealed after assembly. It took over 1600 fabrication hours.