Structural Steelwork
ANZ Tower Refurbishment | Global Engineering
This was a multifaceted steelwork contract, with around 25 phases of steelwork including earthquake strengthening in the basement five floors below ground, a highly finished meeting suite, a steel-framed kiosk, atrium and entrance canopy and a steel staircase through 18 floors of the 42 level inner-city tower.
If you’re in the vicinity drop in and take a look at the exposed box-beam portals in the entrance and canopies: the finish is impressive. We welded and hand-ground the 20mm plate boxes to such a high degree of finish that they didn’t need to be filled and faired, just painted.
Noise restrictions meant drilling into concrete was limited to only a few hours per day. Over half the work was done out of hours.
It involved over 200 tonnes of structural steelwork – 50 tonnes of which had to go up the tower in the service lift, which took a huge amount of effort and strength.
Our in-house drafting team exceled with countless hours of site measuring and detailing for the project, working closely with the Architects and Engineers.
The exposed box beams in the atrium and canopy meant we needed the highest degree of finish possible on fabricated steelwork before coating.
Facts & figures:
18 sets of floor-strengthening beams (2 beams per set) were fabricated in two pieces, delivered to each floor by service lift, welded together and erected before the concrete floors were removed.
18 sets of 2-tiered staircases were fabricated in sections, welded together and erected on each floor. This was six months’ work alone.
18m-long hand fabricated canopy box beams were fabricated from 20mm plate and full-strength butt-welded with a purpose-built automatic welder.
Global built a purpose-made robot water-cooled welding machine to automatically weld the box beams. The tolerance was 3mm over 18m.
We fabricated and coated the kiosk then transported to the site in one piece.